Thursday, November 5, 2015


Lately I've been stuck, these days it seems as if nothing matters. I feel lost on this earth. It's been nearly a year since I graduated and to answer your question, no I have no idea what I am doing with my life. My parents have done fairly well not pressuring me, however, I can tell the further away from my graduation gets the more and more concerned they become.

I'm on the inside of my mind looking out at the world. A recluse.
Through writing, music, and crafting I am attempting to take control of my life once again. This mess is mine and I will clean it up myself.

Friday, February 6, 2015


Bruised and confused she walked alone,
she was rather accident prone.

Seeming to be in all of the wrong places,
she stumbled slightly on her own laces

Reaching home her knees buckle slowly,
never has she felt this lowly.

Slowing breathing, contemplating
never before had life been so aggravating. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015


The impossible happened.
I graduated.
With my sister.
From the same college.
Yes, I also think it was a little weird.

I apologize for being the most inconsistent blogger in the history of blogs. I won't however, promise to update constantly because I hope by now you would know well enough not to believe me if I did. However, now that I have completed school I will have a tad more time to devote to writing and posting here. I plan to show more of my photography in the near future than ever before. It is a true passion of mine and I hope you all enjoy.