When I was young my parents took my sister and I to alternating grandparents houses every weekend. One week at my Mom's parents house the next at my Dad's parents.
Ever since I can remember I called my Dad's parents house the farm. They used to have chickens and other birds so the name seemed to fit well.
While going to the farm meant visiting my Grandparents which meant cookies and hugs it also meant work.
You see my grandparents had and still have nothing but a wood stove to heat the whole house. This meant constant sawing and chopping for my Dad and constant carrying and stacking for my sister and I. It was hard work and I can't say I did it without complaining because I did plenty of that. What I can say is that I am a much better and stronger person for working throughout my childhood.

I still frequent the farm quite often and things really haven't changed which is fine with me and I like to think I don't complain AS much anymore. Reuben really likes it there too because my Grandpa likes to pet him.
What spurred this slight look into my childhood was just another random trip to the farm, but this time I remembered my camera :)
Ok so Reuben really, really likes the farm. He also likes playing fetch with snow. At first he was confused a snow ball just dissolved in his mouth, then he realized the full potential of awesome that is a snow ball.
See the resemblance?
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