Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Life is more dramatic and lovely by candle light.

Mid-day tea and a vanilla candle is exactly what I needed today. Photos may be dark by candle light, but every once in a while a dark picture is needed.

This ginger peach tea was so good for me.

I move in to college on Saturday, I'll try to take a few more country pictures before I move into the city.
Hope all of you got to relax a bit today. Enjoy what is left of your summer!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A few nights ago my view of the moon was wonderful. My simple point and shoot camera in no way does this natural beauty justice.

The moon was bleeding into the cloud.

Monday, August 8, 2011


On yet another day outside I found a frog in my mother's flowers! I enjoy frog flowers, it's almost like they are intentionally posing for me.

Usually when I take my dog along on a hike he acts as if I'm a tree. However, today he was quite photogenic.

I love my little puppy Reuben more than anything in the world.

A little snow in summer.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


A nice cup of tea, some poetry, and a bit of journal writing is what I think of as a perfectly relaxing night. I use my laptop for a picture frame of my absolutely favorite photo. I took it while in Colorado and I think it is my best work. It is my preferred ambiance for a quiet night in.

A delicious cup of ice cream tops off my wonderful night in. Also since I topped off my ice cream with fruit it defiantly means it's healthy!

At least once a week I like to take a night off from life and take a little time for me. Relaxing is amazing for you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Recently I celebrated my graduation with a small get-together of family and friends. As always, however, after every great party comes the slightly annoying task of the Thank You notes. Granted the people who came to my party brought their share of gifts and advice, but I loath writing Thank You notes.

I am thankful for the thought and sentiment of course that my family and friends put forth, but the time spent writing these notes could be much better spent hiking, going for a bike ride, or even working. Thank You notes are time consuming and a waste of paper. I don't like getting them or giving them.

I'd feel even more thanked by a person if they came up to me in person and thanked me rather then writing a thank you note.